Work Health and Safety Policy


Our workplace, Directors and Management team recognise their moral and legal obligations to provide a safe and healthy working environment for employees, contractors, customers/clients and visitors. We are committed to implementing and maintaining a clear Integrated Management System in accordance with ISO 45001:20018 that has the support of everyone in the organisation.


Our workplace will:

  • Provide a safe and healthy workplace for all workers through consultation, training, risk management, audits and safety documentation.
  • Provide safe plant and tools through routine testing and tagging of electrical tools, fire equipment and harnesses plus service logbooks, and appropriate training.
  • Provide procedures and instructions that ensure safe systems of work through inductions, signage, SWMS, risk assessment.
  • Ensure compliance with WHS legislation, code of conduct and current industry standards.
  • Provide training, information, instruction, and supervision to all employees, contractors, visitors and customers to ensure their health and safety via toolbox meetings, audits, inductions, evacuation procedure, first aid kits, spill kit.
  • Provide assistance and ongoing support to employees regarding WHS.
  • Eliminations of Hazards where possible.



Management and staff have a legal obligation to ensure the safety and well-being of others within the workplace. In accordance with this policy staff are to report any injury, illness, hazard or unsafe work practice to Management as they occur.

Management will:

  • As reasonably practicable provide a safe workplace
  • Be involved in developing, promoting and implementing health and safety policies and procedures
  • Train employees and other relevant workers in the safest method to perform their work tasks
  • Provide adequate resources and information to meet our workplace’s commitment to Work Health and Safety

Employees will:

  • Follow all policies and procedures
  • Report any injury, illness, hazard or unsafe work practice to Management as they occur
  • Provide a safe working environment for themselves, other workers, clients and the public


As per the relevant WHS & OHS legislation, our workplace understands and is committed to consultation with all its employees with regards to workplace health and safety. Workzone has provided a Compliance Manager who is the point of contact for all employees regarding issues relating to WHS.

Policy review

This policy will be reviewed every year during Management reviews   Date for next review: Jan 2024

Authorised by Scott Paterson CEO